Stigma and female incarceration: the intersection of oppression before, during, and after imprisonment
Female incarceration, Stigma, Gender inequalitiesAbstract
The increasing number of incarcerated women in Brazil is a social problem that reflects gender inequalities and negatively impacts the Brazilian society. Women in prison face a series of challenges and stigmas that are compounded and intensified by issues of gender, race, social class, and other forms of oppression. In this theoretical essay, our objective is to analyze the intersection of these oppressions in female incarceration, using Erving Goffman's concept of Stigma. Through the analysis of publications on the subject, we have identified that the social conditions to which incarcerated women are exposed contribute to the maximization of stigma that marks them before, during, and after incarceration. Furthermore, we have found that the criminalization of poverty and the war on drugs worsen this issue. Therefore, it is imperative that effective public policies be implemented by the State to address female incarceration and its complexities, promoting justice and equity.
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