Produção e caracterização de farinhas alimentícias a partir da casca e da polpa da maçã gala


  • Lineia Pezini
  • Maria Carolina Vilarino Lira (in memoriam)
  • Marcia Bär Schuster
  • Marlene Bampi
  • Andreia Zilio Dinon


Fibras, Alimentos saudáveis, Propriedades nutricionais



There is a need to develop new healthy and functional foods with fibers, that are gluten-free and sustainable through the use of industry products and by-products, such as apple peel and pulp. Thus, the objective of the present study was to produce and to characterize flours from the peel and pulp of the Gala apple and list its possible applications in food. The flours were produced by sanitizing, cutting and drying the apple peel and pulp in an oven at 60°C for 48 hours. The material obtained was crushed and its physicochemical properties related to moisture, ash, proteins, lipids, fibers and carbohydrates were determined according to official methodologies. The apple pulp flour showed higher levels for moisture, ash and proteins than those obtained for the apple peel flour. The apple peel flour obtained high levels of lipids and carbohydrates, which may have been due to the influence of waxes, a glycolipid presents in the peel, which is used as a natural coating on the fruit. The flours obtained from apple peel and pulp suggest potential application in foods such as bread, cakes, biscuits, cookies, cupcakes, cereal bars, jellies, dairy drinks, among others, in order to enrich and increase the nutritional and functional properties of foods.


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