Identificação dos resíduos sólidos em uma unidade industrial da construção civil


  • Mateus Alexandre Floriano
  • Lenita Agostinetto
  • Vilson Menegon Bristot


Resíduos sólido, Produção mais limpa, Construção civil


The agenda on environmental preservation has been discussed for some time among nations and has been gaining strength in recent years due to the importance that the environment has on society. Actions such as recycling, cleaner production and correct disposal of waste are themes that benefit industries in an ecological, social and monetary way. The study aims to identify the construction waste generated in an industry that supplies raw materials for civil construction, for this the production process was observed and to identify the solid waste that is produced in this industry and to propose solutions in the precepts of the most clean. In general, the company produces waste such as cured concrete, iron scraps, pieces of plastic tape and waste with oil. All waste can be reduced in quantity during production, but the generation of some waste is inevitable. Some residues, such as those involving oil and plastic, are indicated for recycling by third parties or for correct disposal, and for the others, there is the possibility of internal recycling.


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