Dinâmica de populações arbóreas de uma floresta ombrófila mista montana ao longo de 13 anos


  • Bianca Lamounier da Silva Lima
  • Victória Oliveira Cabral Hassan
  • Marciano Martins Artismo
  • Guilherme Fortkamp
  • Maria Julia Carvalho Cruz
  • Pedro Higuchi


Dinâmica florestal, Fragmento, Floresta de araucária


The objective of this study was to investigate tree population dynamics in a mixed ombrophilous forest fragment in Lages, SC, Brazil over a 13-year period. The 10 most abundant populations were inventoried in permanent, systematically stratified plots in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2021. Recruitment, mortality, basal area gain and loss rates, and net change in the number of individuals and basal area were calculated for these species over the inventory periods (2008-2012, 2012-2016, and 2016-2021). Results predominantly indicate a decline in both the number of individuals and basal area, particularly during the most recent period (2016-2021). This suggests that populations with negative net change values may be in decline and in need of conservation action. However, more extensive studies over a longer time period are needed to draw reliable conclusions about observed patterns for these populations.


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