Características físico-químicas de uvas viníferas e a relação com a infestação natural de Drosophila suzukii


  • Dahise Brilinger
  • Mariana Fiedler
  • Cristiano João Arioli
  • Simone Silmara Werner
  • Mari Inês Carissimi Boff Carissimi Boff


Drosófila-da-asa-manchada, Vitivinicultura, Manejo integrado de pragas


Drosophila suzukii is an exotic and polyphagous species already present in commercial vineyards in São Joaquim, SC region. The grape is not a favorable host, but it has the capacity to complete the life cycle in this fruit tree. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the physicochemical parameters that favor the D. suzukii natural infestation in wine grapes. For this, in an experimental vineyard in São Joaquim, SC, during the 2021/22 harvest, bunches of Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay and Merlot cultivars were harvested at the point of physiological maturation and characterized by means of chemical attributes (oBrix, total titratable acidity and pH) and physical (penetration resistance, color and light patterns). In the laboratory, samples of each cultivar were placed in a plastic pot and kept for 15 days. After this period, the number of emerged adults was evaluated. Principal component analysis was performed using the R statistical environment, considering the number of emerged insects and chemical and physical attributes. It was possible to explain 69.6% of the data variability through the first 2 principal components. Different behavior was observed between Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, and Merlot cultivars in relation to the components. These results can help winegrowers in the D. suzukii management, since the monitoring of the chemical characteristics evaluated in this study are used to determine the harvest period.


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