Palliative care in specialized rehabilitation centers: a systematic review


  • Caroline Bertuol Dacoregio Centro Especializado em Reabilitação CER II, Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), Lages-SC, Brasil.
  • André Roberto Faria Centro Especializado em Reabilitação CER II, Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), Lages-SC, Brasil.
  • Caio Cesar Melo Corrêa Centro Especializado em Reabilitação CER II, Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), Lages-SC, Brasil.
  • Gabriela Feldhaus de Souza Centro Especializado em Reabilitação CER II, Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), Lages-SC, Brasil.
  • Juliana Ribeiro dos Santos Centro Especializado em Reabilitação CER II, Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), Lages-SC, Brasil.


Rehabilitation, Interdisciplinary placement, Palliative care


Faced with concerns about the role of rehabilitation in palliative care, especially in the Centro Especializado em Reabilitação (CER), this study aimed to identify studies in the literature that elucidate how palliative care is promoted in the CER. Systematic review, with search in Medline, Lilacs, Scielo, Google Scholar, PEDro and Cochrane databases, in April 2023, using as descriptors “Cuidados Paliativos” AND “Centro Especializado em Reabilitação” and respective in English and Spanish. Initially, 94 articles were found, of which only one fit the search criteria. The study is a case report, in a CER, with a health education group with patients diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and their families. With the group it was possible to improve understanding about the disease, improve care and coping with it. It is observed that groups can be an effective strategy for improving care and promoting quality of life, but little has been documented about palliative care in CER, therefore, they need further studies.



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