Maternity and work: necessary reflections
Career, Work, MotherhoodAbstract
The objective of this research, which assumes a bibliographical character, is to give visibility to the history of women's social position, considering the importance of their role in caring for the family and their climb in search of professional recognition, to understand the difficulties encountered in the duo's performance. journey. The articles were selected from the Scielo and Periódicos Capes databases, using the descriptors woman, motherhood, career and work, in addition to free search and reading of classic authors. The results are suggestive of intense transformations in the female universe in recent decades and the difficulties in reconciling the development of a career and the formation of a family, it is a complex task, as it involves a series of factors. The current experience of women is the result of a historical path, which influenced and modified the family organization, so much so that, currently there is no reference standard in the family structure, the forms are varied, flexible and egalitarian. The woman professionalized and partially replaced the feminine ideal of motherhood. It was concluded that women are gaining more and more space in the labor market, but they continue to be responsible for the home, children and family. Today, women want to fulfill themselves professionally and personally, and their financial independence allows them more autonomy, increases their sense of power and self-esteem, which even results in an improvement in their mental health, as a result of establishing healthier and more positive affective bonds, including with your children.
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