Dental prenatal care: literary review
Dental prenatal care, Oral health, ESFAbstract
The concern with improving the quality of care provided in dental prenatal care in the ESF triggered a need for a broad discussion on the importance of dental prenatal care
combined with the principles of the SUS to assist in the development of qualification of
dental care in an ever-increasing way more humanized and efficient. The objective of this
research was to develop a literature review on the importance of prenatal dental care and,
its specific objectives are to emphasize the importance of the dental professional in health
education in the FHS, related to oral health during pregnancy, such as also, the importance
of the actions of the oral health team in the FHS, in the search for priority in dental care
during pregnancy. The research was carried out from the literature review, being
consulted scientific articles located in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO),
Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), Wiley, and
PubMed databases, in the period of 2009 to 2021. The data highlighted that the oral health
team that performs qualified assistance in dental prenatal care is responsible for
identifying risk situations and gestational problems, that is, it is essential and essential
that the team be trained and accompanied by the dental surgeon regarding the effective
performance of Health Education, as well as humanized care, especially in this period of
dental prenatal care.
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