Promoção do bem-estar do docente da educação básica
Docente. Bem-Estar. Educação Básica.Abstract
This work aims to discuss the promotion of the well-being of Basic Education teachers. Thus, a scope review was carried out based on the Journal Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) with the descriptors: teacher, well- living, basic education and promotion. The filters applied were: articles from the last 10 years in any language, having teachers or teachers as their main subject, Basic Education or Elementary and Secondary Education, well-being. In total, 15 articles were found and 4 were selected. The selection of articles was made by reading the title, abstract and full text. Inclusion criteria were: reporting research experiences or promoting the well-being of Basic Education teachers. The main results show that well-being is a subjective perception and involves psychological and social dimensions, such as self-acceptance, self-care, collaboration, empathy, dialogue, social contribution. Teachers who exchange knowledge with their peers are able to reframe their knowledge and practices in the face of adversity and acquire a greater sense of well-being. Mental health is linked to well- being. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach is needed to understand the psychosocial, physical or ergonomic factors that affect teacher well-being. Promoting the well-being of Basic Education teachers involves continuing education, developing socio-emotional skills, expanding exchange experiences between peers, adapting routines and creating a safe work environment suited to the needs of the group.
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