Compostagem como instrumento de educação ambiental no município de Ibirama


  • Aline Pricila Jährig
  • Lucas Meneguim Pereira
  • Flavio José Simioni
  • Gabriele Vanessa Tschöke


Compostagem. Educação Ambiental. Resíduo Orgânico.


Organic solid waste makes up most of household solid waste in Brazil and are usually sent to landfills that can cause environmental problems. Composting is a much more advantageous way to dispose of solid organic waste that are simply discarded in the landfills. The objective of this study is to investigate whether composting is an alternative for the disposal of SOW in the Ibirama county/SC. The Lages method of composting, already cultivated in the teaching units, is an easy method to be carried out in addition to being a destination for solid organic waste. The population of Ibirama needs environmental education, especially with regard to waste segregation, and implementing the Lages method of composting is a promising form of environmental education and reducing public costs on waste disposal. Charges in 2019 with organic waste in the municipality were R$ 208,346.03, equivalent to 20% of the total value of household solid waste (R$ 1,039,175.29). Although, it is estimated that the rate of increase in the generation of waste from household collection is 5% per year, consequently increasing public costs. 


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