Bibliometry of soil carbon stock research in the last decade


  • Kelly Tamires Urbano Daboit Santa Catarina State University
  • Letícia Sequinatto
  • Marlise Nara Ciotta
  • Beatriz Macêdo Medeiros
  • João Vitor Scopel Velho
  • Carlos Vieira


Organic matter, Grazing, Carbon dioxide


Cattle raising is an activity of great importance for Brazil, as the country has the largest commercial herd in the world and the second largest beef trader. However, this activity generates environmental impacts, such as the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). Therefore, the use of conservationist practices in the livestock production system is essential, as well as the production of studies that contribute to search for alternatives that store carbon (C) in the soil. Under natural conditions, there is a balance in the carbon stock balance in the soil; however, this is modified when the soil is intensively manipulated. In view of the above, this summary seeks to expose the work done worldwide based on articles catalogued in the Scopus database over the last 10 years. The key words used in the research were: “carbon” AND “organic matter” AND “soil” AND “pasture OR grazing”. The results were submitted to bibliographic analysis in the R language. Bibliometry proved to be efficient in the search and analysis of world scientific production in the last decade from 2012 to 2022. Making it possible to observe the increasing trend of 2.30% per year of works relating the role of organic matter in soil, carbon and grazing.


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