High dynamized dilutions as promoters of fungal entomopathogenic agents


  • Egabrieli Garbin Santa Catarina State University
  • Thais Carla Dal Bello
  • Pedro Boff
  • Aida Terezinha Santos Matsumura
  • Mari Inês Carissimi Boff


Biological control, Microbial agents, Homeopathic preparations


Microbial control agents are widely used for the ecological management of insect pest populations and plant diseases. However, maintaining the viability and efficiency of these agents during their shelf life has been the main reason for restricting their increased use in agricultural ecosystems. The aim of this study was to gather published scientific information on the activity of high dynamized dilutions on the development of entomopathogenic fungi. The methodology consisted of searching for scientific articles published in indexed journals, between the period of 2013 and 2023 that focused on the study of the use of high dynamized dilutions on entomopathogenic fungi and that addressed their impact on the development of colonies and viability. The search for papers was carried out in the electronic databases Google Academic and Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, using the descriptors “homeopathy” and “fungus”, in english, spanish and portuguese. Were accessed 1960 articles, of which only two met the inclusion criteria because they were related to entomopathogenic fungi. One of the studies points out that Calcarea carbonica 30CH, Kali iodatum 100CH, Phosphorus 3CH, Silicea 30CH, Staphysagria 6, 30 and 100CH, Sulphur 100 and 200CH, Thuya occidentalis 200CH and the biotherapic of Spodoptera frugiperda 30CH showed a promising effect, as they increased the colony forming units of the entomopathogenic fungus Beuaveria bassiana.


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