Balanço energético no pós-parto e desempenho reprodutivo de vacas Jersey em pastagem


  • Maicon Gaissler Lorena Pinto
  • Vilmar Francisco Zardo
  • Vanessa Ruiz Fávaro
  • Murilo Dalla Costa


ẞ – Hidroxibutirato (BHB), Cetose, Intervalo parto concepção


During the dairy cow's transition period, many physiological changes occur that make them vulnerable to negative energy balance due to the rapid increase in milk production while there is still limited feed intake. This can result in mobilization of body reserves which, when it occurs in a marked way, promotes the accumulation of ketone bodies in the body fluids, resulting in the metabolic disease called ketosis. There is not much information regarding the prevalence of ketosis and its effects on the reproduction of dairy cows in intensive pasture production systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate serum ketone profiles using a Ketovet© handheld device in 126 freshly calved Jersey cows, assess the incidence of ketosis and relate these findings to reproductive performance. The prevalence of subclinical ketosis found was 55.55% and its occurrence revealed a trend (p= 0.07) for reduced pregnancy rate and increased culling rate, and a 5day prolongation in the interval between calving and conception. These results indicate that subclinical ketosis in dairy herds may be promoting silent losses and suggest: the need for revision of nutritional plans for the transition period; and further studies involving nutrition and reproduction in pasture dairy production systems


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