Diferentes formas de estaquia em Podocarpus lambertii


  • Marciano Martins Artismo
  • Bianca Lamounier da Silva Lima
  • Victória Oliveira Cabral Hassan
  • Mariele Seifert Abatt


Enraizamento, Taxa de mortalidade, Melhoramento


Maritime pine is a species with an interesting form of development that can have its use on several fronts both ornamental in gardens, productive in the pulp business and ecological in the recovery of degraded areas. Studying the best ways of developing it is of paramount importance for these interests and working with cuttings is one of the first options because it is a fast method that brings the first data to be observed on the behavior of Podocarpus lambertii. The rooting from the calluses is the way the species found to maintain their nutrition, the results obtained with this experiment showed that reducing the amount of leaves on the stake increased their rooting from 25 to 46% and already mortality was reduced was from 28.8 to 8.5%, thus being able to affirm that the reduced cuttings are more effective in keeping alive and developing new seedlings and later new plants.


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