Coliformes fecais indicam poluição edáfica e hídrica na sub-bacia do rio Marombas


  • Fernanda Pucci Rosá
  • Leticia Gonçalves Camargo
  • Julia dos Santos Ganen
  • Anna Beatriz Reis de Oliveira
  • Thais Ronsani
  • Sonia Purin da Cruz


Resistência a antibióticos, Poluição, Saúde pública


Water resources are essential for humanity, but they can act as a vehicle for microorganisms capable of causing harm to health when sanitation conditions are poor. When there are contaminants in the soil, they can reach the water, and this is linked to the spread of resistant microorganisms, indicating environmental pollution. The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of rivers and soils in the Marombas River sub-basin and determine the antibiotic resistance profile in isolates of fecal coliforms in the Curitibanos region. The results indicated that most rivers have Class 2 water, requiring advanced treatment before consumption. The average fecal coliform count in water was 560.53 CFU/mL, and about 70% of the isolates showed resistance to ampicillin. In soil, the average was 248,655 CFU of fecal coliforms per gram of soil, and about 80% showed resistance to ampicillin. The results show frequent contamination of soils and water resources by fecal coliforms, which are resistant to antibiotics, posing a risk to agriculture, soil microbiota, and human health.


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