Influência da deposição de acículas de Pinus taeda sobre a germinação e qualidade de mudas de Mimosa scabrella Benth.


  • Thalia Schilisting
  • Marcio Carlos Navroski
  • Mariane de Oliveira Pereira
  • Carolina Moraes
  • Larissa Mignoso Arruda


Bracatinga, Alelopatia, Invasão biológica


The objective of this work was to analyze the effects caused by the deposition of Pinus taeda needles on the germination and quality of seedlings of Mimosa scabrella, a pioneer native species, with high ecological importance and economic potential for the southern region of the country. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse under controlled conditions, using needles in two states, green and dry, with different deposition heights on the seeds, ranging from 2.5 to 7.5 cm in height. The variables germination (G) and germination speed index (IVG) were evaluated, in addition to the biometric variables height, stem diameter and number of leaves, related to the final quality of the seedlings. In all treatments there was germination, with treatments T1 and T3 having the highest average G value, with 88%, followed by T4, T2, T5, T7 and T6, with 86, 74, 56, 28 and 12%, respectively. T1, the witness, had the highest mean value for the variable IVG, with 4.6477, followed by T2, T3, T4, T5, T7 and T6.


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