Densidade e retratibilidade de três madeiras comerciais de rápido crescimento


  • Victória Oliveira Cabral Hassan
  • Marciano Martins Artismo
  • Fabricio Pereira da Costa
  • Alexsandro Bayestorff da Cunha


Defeito, Secagem, Resistência


The present work sought to determine the density and shrinkage of three different fast-growing species: Pinus taeda, Eucalyptus grandis and Cryptomeria japonica. The raw material came from the Laboratory of Wood Properties at the University of the State of Santa Catarina and it comes from several sawmills in the municipality of Lages, Santa Catarina. The pieces were processed to produce fences, frames and floors and from them the test specimens (20x30x50mm) were made. The specimens were exposed to saturation (submersion in water), 12% and 0% equilibrium humidity in a climate chamber at 20ºC and 103ºC, respectively. In each case, the weight and dimensions of the specimens were measured. The physical properties were determined, following NBR 7190 (1997) standard: Apparent density at 0%, 12% and saturated; Basic density; Contraction anisotropy; Retractability Coefficient; Maximum, Linear and Volumetric shrinkage. The results indicated the retractability value of E. grandis as the highest value among the analyzed species both in volumetric (β=13.87%) and linear in the tangential plane (β=9.30%) and the highest basic density (542 kg/m³) was from C. japonica and indicates to be normal to work (1.50< Mean Contraction Anisotropy<2.00). It is concluded that, considering the maximum volumetric contraction, E. grandis was the most dimensionally unstable and P. taeda the most dimensionally stable. Considering the basic density, Pinus taeda was classified as low density and both Eucalyptus grandis and Cryptomeria japonica were classified as medium density.


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