Diagnóstico dos resíduos sólidos do município de Campo Belo do Sul, Santa Catarina


  • Patricia Fuck de Andrade
  • Jonatan de Liz Steffen


Viabilidade, Reciclagem, Compostagem, Gerenciamento


The problem encompassing urban solid waste and its effects on the environment, mainly due to the growth of cities, industrialization and the increase in people's income and current consumption model, has generated concern from governments and their respective managers, public and private companies, demanding that immediate solutions be taken. Due to the considerable increase in the volume of waste and a not very optimistic perspective of its decrease, new alternatives for the collection, treatment and final destination of these materials are being encouraged, in order to minimize their environmental impacts and damage to public health. This study aimed to carry out a diagnosis of solid urban waste and suggest actions to improve the management of solid urban waste in the municipality of Campo Belo do Sul-SC, following the guidelines of Federal Law No. 12.305/10. national solid waste policy the municipality needs to adopt recycling and composting practices, which, in addition to being economically viable, are beneficial for adding economic value to waste, generating new jobs and, especially, for increasing the useful life of landfills and improving environmental conditions


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