Analysis of thermal comfort in single-family houses with masonry walls


  • Mari Aurora Favero Reis Universidade do Contestado (UNC)
  • Patricia Janaina Cardozo Universidade do Contestado (UNC)
  • Vanessa Maria Hirt Universidade do Contestado (UNC)
  • Antonio Cristiano Lara Sampaio Universidade do Contestado (UNC)
  • Luana Cechin Universidade do Contestado (UNC)


Thermal comfort. Technical standards. Single-family residences


Users' dissatisfaction with the thermal comfort of their homes makes it necessary to study the use of the Technical Performance Standard. This study aimed to analyze the thermal comfort in six single-family homes with masonry walls in the cities of Rio Negro (PR) and Mafra (SC). The qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory research uses technical standards NBR 15575/2013 and NBR 15220-3/2005 as a parameter in the evaluation. Subsequently, a checklist was elaborated to obtain more information about the quality of thermal comfort in the users' view. For the measurements, a thermo hygrometer was used as an instrument, which allowed the evaluation of the environment's internal temperature and the air's relative humidity. It was observed that the residences did not meet the criteria of the Standards, resulting in residential thermal discomfort. It is possible to conclude that the research is of high academic relevance, as it motivated the engineers in training to use the thermal comfort standard, considering that in many residential projects, it does not apply. And the correct application of thermal comfort standards implies the well-being of users and a reduction in energy consumption


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