Soil quality parameters in the presence of Trichoderma spp. in soybean crop


  • Aida Terezinha Santos Matsumura ICB BIOAGRITEC Ltda.
  • Akio S. Matsumura ICB BIOAGRITEC Ltda.
  • Márcia Eloísa da Silva ICB BIOAGRITEC Ltda.
  • Marcos Cardoso Martins-Júnior Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
  • Tiela Trapp Grassotti ICB BIOAGRITEC Ltda.
  • Letícia da Fontoura Xavier Costa ICB BIOAGRITEC Ltda.
  • Aicha Daniela Ribas e Ribas ICB BIOAGRITEC Ltda.
  • Akira S. Matsumura ICB BIOAGRITEC Ltda.


Glycine max (L.), macronutrients, organic matter, productivity


Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is the main crop commercialized in the world agribusiness scenario, being Brazil the largest producer of this crop. Productivity success is related to the soil-plant-microorganism system. Understanding this dynamic helps in agricultural management and productivity. This work aimed to document, at different phenological stages of soybean plants, the relationship established between soil quality parameters and the Trichoderma spp. presence. The soil was treated with a consortium of Trichoderma spp. (ICB Nutrisolo Trichoderma, RS, Brazil) before soybean sowing. Analyzes were performed in the soil (no plant), flowering (63 days) and maturation (152 days) periods. Species of Trichoderma were identified in the rhizosphere and endophytic form at 63 and 152 days, respectively. A greater availability of phosphorus, manganese, boron and organic matter in soil was observed at 63 days evaluation. Therefore, it is possible to establish a relationship between the presence of Trichoderma spp. and the increase of nutrients in the soil. This fact characterizes the use of this fungus as a soil fertility optimizer.


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